Blog: Users Tab
The Users section shows all users who have access to your Blog. Click on the name of a user to edit the details of that user and click ‘Delete’ to remove that user. You can also type a user's email address in the New User Box, and select 'Connect User' to add a new associate.
Note: If a user is deleted, they will not receive an e-mail notification when they are added back.
To change your password: Click on the ‘My Account’ link in the upper right corner of the Blog Admin Panel.
To sign out: Click ‘Sign Out’ in the upper right corner of the Blog Admin Panel.
Users – Edit User
The Edit User page allows you to change the User Settings and Rights. Uncheck any rights you don’t want that user to have. All users with ‘Comments’ checked in their Rights will receive a notification anytime a comment is posted and awaiting moderation.